Top 7  Amazing Tips for Dry Skin in Winters in 2021

Top 7 Amazing Tips for Dry Skin in Winters in 2021

Enjoying the cool weather, hot chocolate, and long drives in the freezing midnight seems amusing. Literally, winters are the most enjoyable season of the year. But it’s also a season that brings ordeals to dry skin beauties. Cold dry air feels delightful against the skin but it makes the skin drier. But don’t worry I have compiled some amazing tips for dry skin in winters that will keep your skin protected and nourished.

In a cold atmosphere, dry skin has to fight an uphill battle. The only thing your dry skin needs to win the beetle is the strongest weapon and a super protective shield. Dry skin moisturisers work as a protective layer to keep your skin healthy in winters by protecting it from dry and cold wind. And consider incredible skincare tips and tricks that I’m gonna share with you as weapons that will help you to conquer the winter’s dry air.

As we are planning to win against winter’s dry skin. Don’t you think we need to take our first step in knowing our competitors? So let’s discover why your skin gets dry in winters?

What Causes Dry Skin in Winters?

The humidity level present in the air goes downhill in winters. Dry air gets cold and it evaporates the moisture from the skin. That’s why our skin keeps getting drier even after repetitive moisturization.

Dry winter skin needs the moisture that it tries to get from our skin in winters. We need a moisturization that remains locked in the skin to avoid dry, itchy, and tight skin.

Now you have got an insight into how cold, dry air continuously steals moisture from our skin. So let’s get ready how to get healthy and glowing skin by conquering the odds that come in your way in winters.

Top 7  Amazing Tips for Dry Skin in Winters in 2021

Every dry skin beauty wants to discover the best way to prevent dry skin in winters but unfortunately, they remain unaware of the best little tricks that make a tremendous shift in their skin. Today I’m going to share the simplest techniques to make your skin winterproof and enjoy the winter season to the fullest. So get ready to make a healthy shift in your skin with the following tips for dry skin in winters.

  1. Use a Humidifier

Hit the nail right on the head. Cold, dry are the thieves that keep stealing your skin moisture and being the biggest cause of dry, itchy, and flaky skin. You can save your skin by feeding the air enough hydration so that it won’t absorb the moisture from your skin anymore.

Humidifiers work best not only for dry skin but also helps in alleviating dry eyes, eczema, and sinus problems that generally flare up in the winter season. If you live in a place where the weather remains dry mostly it is the best gift you can give to your skin.


  1. Wear Moisturizing Sunscreen

Dispel the notion that sunscreen is only for summers not for winters. Sun remains in the sky in every season. Sometimes it hides behind the clouds but its UV rays still affect our skin adversely. So even if it is a pleasant cold day and the sun is out of your sight don’t forget to wear a moisturizing broad-spectrum sunscreen lower than SPF 30.

Uv rays damage the skin protective barrier that makes the skin unable to retain the moisture into it. As a result, skin gets dry and itchy quickly even after we moisturize it.

Moisturizing Sunscreen

  1. Avoid Hot Bath

I loved hot baths until I found out how damaging it is for our skin. However, a hot bath is the only choice for some people like me who get scared of freezing in the winter. But once you experience the amazing effects of a cold shower on your skin. you would surely forget about the hot bath.

Warm or hot water is an unknown cause of dry skin few people know about. But it devastated our skin barrier and our skin gets devoid of moisturization. It needs to be healthy and beautiful. Besides, soaps are also enemies for skin in winters. It contains sodium lauryl sulfate that pulls out the oil from the skin and makes skin dry. But if you can’t go without it. Instead of skin-drying soaps, you can use the best moisturizing soaps for dry skin.


  1. Stay Hydrated

Along with the skin, your body also needs to be hydrated. Because your skin doesn’t get the optimum hydration from outside you have to infuse it with hydration from inside as well.

Drinking 8 glasses of water is not the only rule to stay hydrated. If you follow it that great but you can also consume detox drinks and juicy fruits to inundate your skin full of antioxidants and hydration. Trust me, your skin will be fresh and soft throughout the winters.

Rinse Skin with Rice Water

  1. Consume Healthy Fats

In winters our skin produces less oil than any other season. That’s why our skin starves for natural skin oil and gets dry and patchy no matter how much moisturization we provide it from outside. It happens because the sebaceous glands that are responsible for the skin’s natural oil production slow down its production if it doesn’t get the oil it needs.

Infusing yourself with foods that are rich in healthy fats helps the sebaceous gland to produce optimal natural oil in your skin to maintain the skin health in check.


  1. Rinse Skin with Rice Water

Rice water has miraculous benefits for skin, health, and hair. If you wonder how Asians possess skin like plastic. Rice is the secret of their flawless glowing skin. Rice is infused with skin beneficial minerals, vitamins, and amino acids.

Skin destroyer ingredients called sodium lauryl sulfate is not only found in soaps but also in other skincare products. And rice water helps to alleviate the damage of SLS in the skin. So go and replenish your dry skin to get the astonishing glow with rice water.

Moisturizing Exfoliator

  1. Use Moisturizing Exfoliator

Dry skin generates more dead skin cells and the revitalized skin cells get hidden behind it that keeps your new skin cells to get the moisturization you want to provide. Exfoliation is necessary for healthy skin but harsh exfoliators can damage the skin and make it even drier in winters. So ditch away from the hard skin exfoliator or use gentle scrubs for your skin.

Besides, you can also include home remedies for dry skin in your skincare routine to keep your skin nourished in winters. The more nourished your skin will be, the more beautiful it will look.

In this article, I have shared some of the best tips for dry skin in winters that allow you to enjoy your favorite winter with gorgeous glowing skin. I hope you enjoyed reading our article and use these amazing techniques to prevent getting your dry skin in winters.