The Best Medium-Sized Dog Breeds for Apartment Living

The Best Medium-Sized Dog Breeds for Apartment Living

Are you considering adding a furry friend to your apartment life? The best medium-sized dog breeds for apartment living offer the perfect blend of companionship and adaptability.

In this piece, we’ll talk about some medium-sized breeds that do well in small spaces. These dogs are popular in towns because they are friendly, small, and easy to handle.

Whether you’ve had dogs before or this is your first time adopting one, these types can make great apartment pets. Find your perfect dog friend with us as we look at the world of medium-sized dogs that are good for apartments.

French Bulldog

 Everyone loves the French Bulldog breed because it is small and has a sweet attitude. Because they don’t need a lot of movement, these apartment dogs do well in apartments.

Their short walks and playtime make them good at getting along with people and animals in smaller areas. Another thing that French Bulldogs are known for is how loving they are, which makes them great pets for both people and families.

 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

 King Charles Cavalier Spaniels are friendly, lightweight dogs that can do a lot of different things. They thrive in apartments, and they love being close to their people and friends.

These dogs only need light exercise, so taking them for walks every day and letting them play in your room will keep them happy. Because they are calm, they make great city dogs and usually get along well with other pets.


 A Beagle is a medium-sized dog breed that is known for being active. If they get enough exercise, they can live in an apartment well. To keep them happy, they need to play and do things outside often.

It’s great to have a beagle around because they love people. Because they are friendly, they make great apartment pets.

They do need regular dog training and mental activity to keep them from getting bored. You can purchase this indoor dog potty grass to help you with potty training and treats for other dog training activities.

 Boston Terrier

 Boston Terriers are known for being friendly and easy to take care of. You can live in an apartment with these medium-sized dogs because they are small and calm.

Boston Terriers don’t need a lot of exercise, so they can play inside and go for short walks outside. People also like Boston Terriers as the choice for an apartment puppy because they are friendly and social. This makes them great city dogs for both families and single people.


 Dachshunds are medium-sized dogs that are known for having a unique look and being very curious. Because they are small, they do well in apartments, and they don’t need much exercise.

But, they need to go for walks and play time every day to keep their minds and bodies active. Dachshunds like to be alone sometimes, so they should be consistently trained and socialized.

 Shiba Inu

 Shiba Inus are one of the most Japanese dogs that are about the size of a small dog. Even though they have wild personalities, with the right care, they can live in an apartment.

For these dogs to stay healthy and happy, they need to be walked and played with every day. When it comes to city life, Shiba Inus can be great pets for people who have had dogs before.


 Bulldogs are medium-sized dogs that are known for being calm and friendly. Because they don’t need to be as active and are friendly, they do well in apartments.

Bulldogs like to hang out inside, but they still need to go for walks every day to stay fit. These dogs are great for people who live in apartments and want a more relaxed dog friend.

 Cocker Spaniel

 Medium-sized dogs called Cocker Spaniels are known for being friendly and gentle. This breed of dog loves being with people and does well in apartments, especially with a family.

These dogs love being with their people and are friendly. They need to be active every day, and a short walk around your apartment building or to a nearby park will do. Cocker Spaniels are great for apartment people who want a loving and flexible dog friend because they are friendly.


 Dogs that are about the size of a pug are friendly and playful. Because they are strong and don’t need much exercise, they can live in apartments.

Pugs like to play inside and go for short walks, which makes them a good choice for people who live in apartments. Because they are friendly and love to be around people, they make great pets for both individuals and families.

 Miniature Schnauzer

 Miniature Schnauzers are friendly, alert dogs that are about the size of a small dog. These dogs do well in apartments because they are small and don’t need a lot of exercise.

They like going for walks and playing every day, but they also like to relax inside. People love miniature Schnauzers, and they can be great watchdogs in apartments because they are very loyal.

 Bichon Frise

 A Bichon Frise is a medium-sized dog that makes apartment life more fun and social. They are good for small areas because they are friendly and not very tall.

You can take your Bichon for short walks around your apartment building and play with them inside. They are known for being friendly and wanting to be a part of the family. This makes them great city dogs for people who want a friendly and playful dog.


 The Cockapoo is a medium-sized dog that is friendly like a Cocker Spaniel and smart like a Poodle. Because they don’t need a lot of movement, these dogs do well living in apartments.

They are known for being friendly and loving, which makes them great pets for families or single people. Cockapoos love being with their families and getting to know other people.

Best Medium-Sized Dog Breeds for Apartment Living

Medium-sized dog breeds make a great companion for those living in apartments. With their size, friendliness, and relatively low energy level, these breeds are perfect for small spaces.

Be sure to research the behavior of the specific breed you are considering to determine if it is a good fit for your lifestyle and living situation. Find yourself the best medium-sized dog breeds for apartment living today and consider them for dog adoption!

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