A Step by Step Guide to Get Rid of Bugs in the Refrigerator

A Step by Step Guide to Get Rid of Bugs in the Refrigerator

Do you ever see bugs or flies in your refrigerator and panic because you’re unsure what to do next?

Getting rid of bugs in the refrigerator can be an arduous task and requires knowing how they got into the fridge in the first place. Often, you will need to replace parts of your refrigerator to guarantee their total removal.

Not sure how to do it all and keep your food safe? We’re here to help.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to clean a bug infested refrigerator and keep your food safe in your home.

Identify What Type of Bugs You Are Dealing With

Identifying what type of bugs you have in your refrigerator is key to getting rid of them step-by-step. A close inspection of the bugs can help narrow down the type. Generally, you will have fruit flies, German cockroaches, or weevils.

Fruit flies look like small, flying bugs, German cockroaches tend to have a darker appearance that is flat and broad, and weevils are small, beetle-like insects. Once you have identified the type of bug, you can take the appropriate steps to eliminate it.

For fruit flies, seeking out their source of attraction and disposing of it is key. Setting traps or utilizing natural repellents are the best solutions for German cockroaches.

For weevils, storing food products in airtight containers can help prevent further infestation. Diligently follow the instructions for these treatments to get rid of the bugs and keep your refrigerator clean.

Clean the Refrigerator

Remove all food, drinks, and containers from your refrigerator. Toss out anything expired and transfer items that should stay cold to a cooler. Next, give your fridge a good scrub-down with warm, soapy water, vinegar, and baking soda.

Make sure to get in the crevices and corners of the fridge. Wipe it down with a clean cloth and warm water. Then, Moving to the outside, clean the coils and vacuum up dust and debris off the top of the fridge.

Once you’ve finished scrubbing the inside and outside of the fridge, it’s time to disinfect. Spread a 1/4 cup of bleach solution over all surfaces in one gallon of water. Let the solution sit for several minutes before rinsing the surfaces with clean water and a cloth.

If the problem persists or has occurred for an extended time, consider calling professional cleaning services. A trained professional will be able to identify the source of any infestation and provide targeted pest control for a lasting solution. Visit https://executivemaids.com/plantation-florida-house-cleaning-services/ for more information.

Preventing Bugs From Coming Back

Store all food items in airtight containers or resealable plastic bags to prevent bugs from returning. Make sure the refrigerator is always in a well-ventilated and dry area. Center the refrigerator away from windows, and inspect it periodically for signs of bugs.

Finally, keep the refrigerator area clean and clear of any food residues. These steps should help keep bugs out of the refrigerator and household for good.

Best Practice on How To Clean a Bug Infested Refrigerator

By following all the steps on how to clean a bug infested refrigerator, you should be able to get rid of the bugs in your fridge for good. However, if the infestation persists, it is recommended that you contact a pest control professional to help you easily and effectively get rid of the issue.Try these tips out to make sure that you have a good fridge cleanout!If you want to read more articles, visit our daily blog post.