7 Amazing Health Benefits Of Castor Oil Exclusively For Skin and Hair

7 Amazing Health Benefits Of Castor Oil Exclusively For Skin and Hair

Castor oil is a vegetable oil derived by pressing the seeds of the castor oil plant (Ricinus communis). Castor oil has been used in cosmetic products included in creams and as a moisturizer. It also has been used to enhance hair conditioning in other products and for supposed anti-dandruff properties.

There are numerous benefits of Castor oil for hair growth and skin care. The anti-bacterial and anti-fungal making it have ability to fight hair follicles, dandruff and scalp infections. Ricinoleic acid helps to improve circulation to the scalp and stimulate the hair regrowth.

Here are 10 major benefits of Castor oil for hair growth and skin care:

1. Promotes Hair Growth

Massaging just any part of the body with castor oil does not result in extra hair growth, but applying it to the scalp does. The mechanism at work could be the ability of this warm oil to improve circulation.

Heat the oil until it is hot to touch, and then allow it to cool for a bit. While it is still warm, apply the oil to your scalp with your fingertips, massaging it in. If it is done every night, you will see the difference in as little as two weeks.

If you have scanty eyebrows, the oil can be applied with the tip of a cotton ear bud to the eyebrow ridge. Hair will grow denser there, and you can shape the eyebrows as usual.

Castor oil can be applied in areas that have lost hair due to alopecia. The anti-inflammatory property of the oil may work against this autoimmune disorder.

2. Enhances Hair Color

Castor oil can be used to enhance the natural color of your hair and make it look rich and thick. This oil is a humectant, locking in moisture. When applied on the hair, it preserves the moisture in the hair shaft and makes each strand thicker and darker.

After washing your hair, towel dry it. Slightly warm one tablespoon of castor oil and dip your fingers in it. Run the fingers through the hair to get the oil on to as many strands as possible. If you have long hair, divide it into sections and gently rub each section between your palms to coat all the hair strands.

3. Deeply Moisturizes Skin

Castor oil can be used to moisturize dry skin. Being highly viscous, the oil stays put, and penetrates deep into the skin tissue and nourishes it with fatty acids. Many pricey commercial moisturizers contain castor oil, but you can get all its benefits from direct application.

The thick oil is a bit tricky to apply, so you have to rub a teaspoonful of oil between the palms and rub it into skin. This ensures a thin and even layer. When you do this, a little oil goes a long way, and that is all you need.

It may be kind of sticky at first, but once you get it on the skin in a thin layer, it gets absorbed rather quickly, leaving no oily feel. Some people like to lighten the texture with coconut oil for easy application.

4. Spot Treatment for Skin Problems

Use castor oil to treat acne, warts, and skin tags that seem to appear for no reason. While warts result from a viral infection, skin tags usually develop in areas where the skin gets rubbed constantly. Acne breaks out when there’s an overproduction of sebum in the skin gland, and it is often complicated by secondary microbial infections.

Apply castor oil to these ugly skin growths with a cotton swab. Most of these problems seem to get resolved with regular application for one or two weeks. The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of castor oil may be responsible for this healing effect.

5.Soothes Dry Skin

Castor oil helps in relieving dry and patchy skin. If you are troubled with a scaly underfoot, especially during winters, castor oil can be applied along with crushed kapur which helps in deep exfoliation and softens the skin of the sole of the foot, advices Dr. Deepali. For people with severely dry skin or dry hair, castor oil can be used once a week, but remember that no treatment should be done excessively. Castor oil is also beneficial for those suffering with a skin ailment called Atopic Dermatitis. It is a dry skin disease and is on a rise due to the climate change and increasing pollution. Applying castor oil on the whole body can help in keeping it nourished.

6. Treats dandruff and other scalp conditions

Amongst its many properties, castor oil also has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. If you have dry hair and dandruff, try doing this hair mask: mix 1 tablespoon of castor oil with one tablespoon of olive oil and add juice of half a lemon. If you have oily hair and dandruff, then mix one tablespoon of each of these ingredients: castor oil, honey and aloe vera gel, then add juice of half a lemon. Apply the mask on the roots of your hair for about 30 minutes before shampooing and conditioning your hair. This mask will not only help you get rid of dandruff, but will also nourish and condition your hair, making it healthier and shinier.

7. Thickens hair

Castor oil contains omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids, both of which are useful for encouraging healthy hair growth. With regular use, castor oil will encourage new growth and thicken existing strands to give you a beautiful and shiny head of thicker hair.