7 Simple Ways To Reduce Your Expenses Easily in 2020

7 Simple Ways To Reduce Your Expenses Easily in 2020

Are you wondering where all your money is going? If you are looking to save money, one way is to reduce your expenses. There are a lot of ways to cut down on your expenses and we’ve narrowed them down to seven. So, here are 7 ways to reduce expenses:

1. Track down Where You Spend Your Money


Reducing expenses can change your lifestyle. The best way to reduce your expenses is to determine where your money is going. Track down your purchases for a month and list them on a spreadsheet or an app. List everything you purchase and bills you pay every month up to the last cent. This way, you can easily monitor your spending patterns and know exactly where your money is going.

  1.  Stay Away From Unnecessary Purchases

Unnecessary Purchases

Every penny counts. If you are serious about reducing your expenses, make sure to have a budget and a list of things you need to buy. This can save you time and money because you don’t need to go to the shop and buy things impulsively. Having a list can give you a clear idea of what you need to buy which eliminates unnecessary purchases.

  1. Save Energy

Utilities are part of our daily lives and are mostly being consumed every day for our comfort. Saving on energy usages such as water, gas, and electricity can help reduce monthly expenses. Start by changing the habit of using them.

On ELECTRICITY: Use energy-saving appliances such as fans instead of using your air conditioning all the time. Invest in energy-efficient lightings such as LED lights or fluorescent bulbs instead of the incandescent ones. Turn off the electrical appliances when not in use.

ON WATER: Learn to take quick simple showers to save on water and make sure to fix any leaks from the toilet or your faucets. Turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth.

  1. Spend less on food


Although it is quite convenient to eat out, it is still best to cook your own food at home. One way of reducing your expenses is to prepare your own food and drinks beforehand so you don’t need to buy food on your way to work or school. You can use coupons when you buy items on the grocery. Remember to buy fresh foods that are in season because most of the time it costs less.

When cooking, make sure you measure the product that you need so you won’t waste food such as flour or butter. You can also grow your own vegetables and herbs in pots or garden to use them fresh whenever you need them.

  1. Consider using pre-owned items

pre-owned items

Buying new things may give you a sense of fulfillment but don’t you think helping the environment by recycling is much better? Thrift stores have incredible bargains on everything, from clothes to appliances and furniture. You can also look for garage sales to help out a neighbor or host your own if you have anything to sell that you don’t need. There are numerous sites on the internet that also offer bargain deals such as craigslist or eBay if you really need to purchase something.

  1. Cut down on leisure time

leisure time

When a new movie comes out or any concert from famous people is announced, normally some people are already lining up for tickets to see the premiere shows. Unknowingly, they don’t realize that this cost a lot of money. Tickets may cost hundreds of dollars especially for professional sports events or music concerts. You can watch sports on TV together with family instead. You can take your kids to parks or camp out for a holiday instead of bringing them to expensive amusement parks.

  1. Walk or ride a bicycle to work

ride a bicycle to work

If you are just a few kilometers away from your work, you can walk or ride a bicycle instead. By doing so, you can be fit in no time and also save money. You can reduce your expenses in buying gas for your car or paying a ride to commute on trains and buses.


These are some easy ways you can reduce your monthly expenses and start saving money. You can also use various personal budgeting tools available online. Use free daily expense tracker app or iTunes business receipt app to have better control over your expenses. These useful apps and tools can be really very handy in long term.